My Design Work


I am a web developer and instructional designer with a passion for creating engaging experiences and inclusive design. My expertise lies in developing user-friendly and inclusive websites and instructional materials that cater to diverse audiences. I work closely with my clients from concept to launch to deliver innovative solutions that meet their unique needs and exceed their expectations. Browse my portfolio to see my latest projects, and get in touch to see how I can help bring your vision to life.

Instructional Video Content

As an instructional designer, I understand the importance of creating engaging and effective learning experiences. That’s why I’ve developed a collection of instructional videos that use visually appealing graphics, animations, and clear explanations to help learners retain information. Whether you’re looking to train your employees, educate your customers, or simply share your knowledge, I have the skills and experience to create customized video content that meets your needs. Browse this section to see some of my latest projects and learn how I can help you bring your learning content to life.

Course Materials

In-depth learning experiences can be enhanced when they include activities, moments for introspection, and engaging materials designed to be meaningful and thought-provoking. I have experience developing comprehensive course materials to accompany my instructional design projects, including participant guides, worksheets, and reference materials. These materials elevate the learning experience, allowing learners to apply what they’ve learned in real-life scenarios and retain information for longer. Browse this section to see samples of some of the course materials I have developed.

Informational Posters and Communications

My passion for design stems from understanding the importance of creating visually appealing and impactful communications that effectively convey information and engage the reader. Below you will find a collection of informational flyers, posters, and other communications, designed to be aesthetically pleasing and informative. Whether you’re looking to promote a new product, communicate important updates, or spread awareness, browse this section to see some of my latest projects and learn how I can help you bring your message to life.